We strive to insure our worship is reverent and Christ-centered. This means that liturgy is driven by what the Bible calls us to do and is designed to help God's people to know they gather for worship in the presence the Triune and Holy God.
The "order of worship" is what takes place from Call to Worship to Benediction in our morning service. The music is a mix of traditional hymns, psalms, and choruses accompanied by the piano.
Here is what you will typically see if you attend our service.
- The Call to Worship: A reading from the Scriptures calling God's people to worship Him.
- The Hymn: God's people respond with adoration and praise.
- The Invocation: Asking God the Holy Spirit to work in the heart of His gathered people.
- The Confession of Sin: In the presence of the holiness of God, God's people we stand in need of confessing their sin.
- The Assurance of Pardon: God speaks from His Word in assurance that, for Christ's sake, we are forgiven.
- The Hymn of Response: God's forgiven people are moved to praise!
- The Pastoral Prayer: The Lord hears the prayers of His people as we lift our needs to Him.
- The Giving of Tithes and Offerings: In obedience and with thankful hearts, we give back a portion of what God has given us.
- The Sermon: Believing the Bible to be the holy, inerrant, and life giving Word of God, the sermon will be centered on a consecutive, verse by verse exposition of books of the Bible.
- The Closing Hymn: In response to the preaching of God's word, God's people stand in need of praising Him!
- The Benediction: God pronounces His blessing on His people as they go out to face the world and tell others about Christ.
We are excited to have you join us for worship!
Click here for our most recent or upcoming Order of Worship.