You are warmly invited to join us on Sunday mornings! A typically Sunday schedule is as follows:
- 9:15am- Sunday School
- 10:00am- Coffee & Fellowship
- 10:30am- Morning Worship Service
- 6:00pm- Evening Classes
Our Sunday School classes, coffee & fellowship, and evening classes take place in the Fellowship Hall. This building is on the right side of the bell tower, if you are walking past the fountain. This side of the church includes:
- the fellowship hall/gym
- a kitchen
- two sets of male and female restrooms
- choir room
- conference room
- classrooms
The morning worship service takes place in the Sanctuary, which is located on the left side of the bell tower, if you are walking past the fountain. This side of the church includes:
- a Narthex (lobby)
- the nursery
- a women's restroom and a men's bathroom
- church offices
- the sanctuary
Please come as you are! Most people dress in business casual, but some wear jeans and t-shirts and some wear a coat and tie.
Your children are highly welcome! We have nursery available during the Sunday school hour and during the worship service. The nursery is located in the same building as the sanctuary and is open for children ages 3 and under. You are also welcome to keep your nursery-age children in the worship service with you.
There are Sunday school classes available for children and youth of all ages. Please see below for a breakdown of the class ages.
- Nursery: 3 and under
- Pre-K to Kindergarten
- 1st - 2nd Grade
- 3rd - 5th Grade
- Middle School & High School