Mission & Beliefs

Redeeming Grace exists to glorify God in gathering and equipping his people for the work of the ministry, so that the gospel of Christ will bear fruit in Lake Wylie, surrounding communities, and to the end of the earth.


The church's ministry: our desire and passion is to glorify God with worship that is both joyful and reverent, regulated by the Word of God, and utilizing the reformed liturgical traditions and creeds.


We trust that the means of grace God has given- the Word of God, prayer, and the sacraments (Lord's Supper and Baptism)- are sufficient for the ministry of the church. The Christian life is a life of discipleship, which includes counseling, teaching, and walking alongside one another in this fallen world as we seek to apply the truth of the gospel in our daily lives.


Redeeming Grace aims to be a beacon of light in our community, ministering through word and deed, by engaging our immediate community through specific outreach events and hands-on mercy ministries.

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