Sunday Evening Worship

Please join us for worship on Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m. 

Gather with your family, including children of all ages, for our Sunday evening worship service. The format for evening worship includes a "hymn sing" time when individuals can request hymns. We also have a community prayer time when members of the congregation are invited to pray. 

Nursery care for children ages 3 & younger is also available during the evening worship service.

Click on the links below to listen to the message from prior services. 

Listen to "Ep. 341: Sunday Evening Worship (Psalm 1: The Blest Man) - Henry Beaulieu" on Spreaker.

Listen to "Ep. 344: Sunday Evening Worship (Psalm 2: Yahweh's Appointed King Does All His Righteous Will) - Henry Beaulieu" on Spreaker.

Listen to "Ep. 346: Sunday Evening Worship (Psalm 3: How to Pray When Someone Is Trying to Kill You!) - Henry Beaulieu" on Spreaker.

Listen to "Ep. 349: Sunday Evening Worship (Psalm 8: The Image Bearer) - Henry Beaulieu" on Spreaker.

Listen to "Ep. 352: Sunday Evening Worship (Psalm 9: Mind Control! How to Talk to Yourself and Pray with Truth" - Henry Beaulieu" on Spreaker.

Listen to "Ep. 353: Sunday Evening Worship (Psalm 10: Crying and Lamenting when Evil Gets the Upper Hand) - Henry Beaulieu" on Spreaker.

Sunday Evening Class Archives

Click HERE to access previous Sunday Evening Classes